Simon Meacock

Simon Meacock has computer-designed his own Time Machine, which incorporates the "Pal Wheel" behind The Time Traveler - a design element that's become so ubiquitous that  it's worthwhile remembering that Pal's Machine was essentially created out of whole cloth, bearing only slight resemblance to the Machine of Wells's novel.
Meacock's machine is a platform-based, rail-enclosed, rectangular, shock-absorbing beauty that offers a unique 'take' on The Time Machine.

timemc_1.jpg (81720 bytes) Front View

Control Panel


Rear View

Simon sells high-quality versions of these images.

To order images visit Simon's site, or write:

Simon Meacock
Northbrook Road
SO14 0BW
United Kingdom

Don Brockway, October 22, 2000 (updated October 20, 2004)

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