in the year 2030 - oops...
you see the picture on the left, you can hear a simple bicycle-wheel
spinning instead the sound of all those small gear wheels which you
also can find in an astrolabe. It is perhaps an homage to H.G. Wells
who was fond of bicycles.
the time-traveller brakes his machine, you can see that the two pistons
behind him are not moving. I think this was a temporary malfunction
of the movie prop, because just a moment later (see below) you can see
the backside of a technician just behind the machine...

in the year 2030 - oops just a moment later...
1. Just arrived in the year 2030,
but the reflection in the pressure-sphere
is wrong ...
2. Oops, just a few seconds earlier ... no comment ...
Massimo Giannelli
from Firenze, Italia, spotted these ones, and he spotted also this trivia
Wells portrait trivia
Mr Filby and mrs Watchit is leaving
the room in the end of the film, and on the wall you can see a picture
of a young H.G. Wells.

tribute to the George Pal
pictures in the lower right corner is from the George Pal 1960 movie
The Time Machine. You can see Rod Taylor sitting in the Time
Machine, a still of a morlock, a poster, a part of that poster and the
old nice Time Machine itself. You can see some of those pictures here.

nails - short nails
Alexander Hartdegen grows long fingernails, because he is putting his
right hand outside the time-sphere to catch the falling necklace (left
picture). And he still has the long nails when he arrives to the New
York in 2030, but when he departures, the nails are short! (right picture).
When did he cut his fingernails? I didn't see him do that in the library...
...but Bryan Fox in Kansas City, Kansas, has a nice answer to this:
Alexander is seen BITING his long fingernails off (granted, rather
casually) as he exits the machine in 2030, and approaches the cute bicycle
lady. Therefore, when he returns, his nails are (appropriately) short
This particular detail bugged me for the longest time, too---until
I finally caught the biting described above!
Updated July 20, 2013
peculiar sound-goof
I spotted this
by accident: I wanted steam-engine sound for a sound-art experiment
and I extracted some from a scene of the above mentioned movie, when
a steam-car appears which Alexander Hartdegen is very interested of.
But the sound when it leaves is not like a steam-engine at all! It sounds
very similar to the gasoline-powered combustion engine in the automobile
that appears in the year 1917 in the George Pal 1960 movie The Time

or not?
The Time Machine
is near a canyon which erodes wider and wider. In the film the edge
of the canyon almost reach the Time Machine, but they don't show what
happens next. According to the direction and rate of the movements,
the Time Machine should fall into the canyon before the ice-age begins.
But when Alexander fought with the Übermorlock I understood that
the Time Machine is able to float in the mid-air...

Wells trivia
The director of
this movie and The Prince of Egypt, Simon Wells, has two special
qualifications. He is an expert at animation, which helped with the
special effects. And he is the great-grandson of the author of the book,
H.G. Wells.
During the last
three weeks of production Wells decided to hand over the movie to another
filmmaker and he was then replaced by Gore Verbinsky who directed The
Mexican. Wells cited exhaustion and an impossible schedule for his

visiting Pelargir city in the Lord of the Rings?
In the trailer, it looks like Alexander Hartdegen is visiting Pelargir
in a Lord of the Rings-movie but this is only an early, optimistic
future scene of the Eloi world. But this was later omitted and the scene
of a world totally controlled by the Morlocks came instead...
trivia in two

Time Machine -- Japanese child style
On the Japanese site www.park12.wakwak.com
I found this charming drawing of where VOX is asking something, perhaps
to Alexander Hartdegen who sits in
the Time Machine and behind them are the typical Eloi dwellings.
This drawing must be made by heart, just after seeing the movie, because
the whole looks so right but some details are wrong. In the right lower
corner are six Japanese characters from the Katakana alphabet. It says
"ta-i-mu ma-shi-n" and if you read this loud -- yes, this
is the Japanese word for "time machine"!
The small characters are from the Hiragana alphabet and I can't yet
decipher them. Also, I don't know the name of the child but I think
he/she is eleven-twelve years old. In the lower part are also two things
that does not belong to the movie, the blue and yellow object on the
left side is a time machine from a Japanese manga/anime for kids ...

Time Machine musical from the future
VOX (Orlando Jones) is
singing a tune from the Broadway musical Time Machine. I have
a Time Machine musical on my site here
but I can't find these words which he is singing:
There is a place called
A place of joy, not of sorrow
Can't you see
It's a place for you and [me]
So these words are from
a Time Machine musical of the future...

own drawing of the Time Machine
The picture above
shows a time machine a time traveller left long ago. The time traveller
died and the time machine was left in the forest's glade and a pair
of thrushes built a nest in it. If some details looks wrong compaired
with the original in the 2002 movie The Time Machine, it depends on
that this picture was drawn summer 2003 by heart in Rijeka, Northern
you find more trivia or goofs, mail
them to me! Even this page can have some goofs (especially spelling
Sandra Petojevic, Master of Arts, March 7, 2006
(updated July
20, 2013 (the fingernails) and October 14, 2006)